Blog Journalism Rising

March 16th, 2007 by Doug Schnitzspahn

I keep raving about the work of Josh Marshall and the Talking Ponits Memo crew—and how they are reinvigorating (and reinventing) politcal journalism. Well, the Columbia Journalsim review sure thinks TPM got it right with the US Attorneys purge story.

“If you wanted to force the issue — and we would be surprised if some MSM-hating critic doesn’t — the episode illustrates perfectly how the Washington press corps ignores the blogosphere at its own peril. But the story, and its implications, are actually far more complicated — and for journalism, heartening — than that.”

One Response to “Blog Journalism Rising”

  1. Cander wrote on 08/11/11 at 12:16 am :

    Great One…

    I must say, its worth it! My link,,thanks haha…

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